Click Below to get a copy of the Schedule for the Weekend 


 Posted 2pm Friday Mar 30


MARCH 31 –April 1 at Euclid Sports Plant

*Note: This is the official schedul.  Please check back as late as 2PM Friday.


5th                            7/8th                                           9/10th                                         11/12th


Pool A                                     Pool C                                   Pool F                                           Pool H                                 

1.SP5th                                 11.NLImages Red                41. NL Images                               51.Cavs-Turpin

2.OB                                     12.Sports Plant                    42.Tameka Tigers                       52. Tameka Tigers

3. King James                       13. Ash Runn’n Rebels        43. Friends 4 life 9th                  53. Next Level Images

                                                                                                                                                   54. CAVS -BRYCE

6th Grade

Pool B                                      Pool D                                   Pool G                                                                    

4. NL Images 6th                  21.NL Images Black              44. Elite Skills                          

5.Sports Plant 6th                 22.Sports Plant                      45. Trilogy                       

6. HEIGHTS-Trev                  23. Trilogy                              46. Friends 4 Life 10th     

7. NL FALCONS-TURPIN              


                                                Pool E

                                                31. Tameka Tigers           

                                                32. Next Level Images 8th

                                                33. NL Falcons-Turpin



                                   Ct3           score                                     Ct2              score                                     Ct1                         score

10:00am                   4v5                                        54v51                                    31v32


11:05am                   21v22                                    54v52                                    41v42


12:05pm                   4v6                                       51v53                                      11v13


1:05pm                     21v23                                   51v52                                    32v33


2:05pm                     11v12                                    44v45                                    2v3


3:10pm                     52v53                                    31v33                                    41v43


4:10pm                     45v46                                    12v13                                    6v7


5:10pm                     1v2                                          5v7                                 






MARCH 31 –April 1 at Euclid Sports Plant



Sunday Games       Ct3       score                                   Ct2          score                             Ct1                 score

10:00am                      5v6                                                 4v7                                           53v54


11:05am                   42v43                                             22v23                                          44v46


12:05pm                     1v3                                         B1vB2 6th Champ                             C2vD2  Semi-7th/8th Consolation



1:05pm                     F3vG3                                              H1vH2                                       C1vD1

                                    Cons 9th/10th                              Final HS                                       Semi 7th/8th


2:05pm                     F2vG2   Cons                                  E2v(C2/D2) Cons Fnal                  C3vD3 Consol



3:10pm                     E1v(C1/D1)                      E3v(C3/D3)                               A1vA2

                                    Final 7th/8th                    Final 7th/8th Cons                    4th/5th Final


4:10pm                   F1vG1 9/10th Final             F3vG3 Cons





Top team from each pool will have a 1 game playoff for the champion.  Pool A and pool I will play cross pool  games to get a minimum of at least two games in, however, only the games against teams in the pool will count towards deciding which team is number 1.  For the 7th/8th Bracket the top team in each Pool will play for first and the 2nd team in each pool will play for a consolation champion.





The National High School Federation Rules and Regulations will apply to all tournament games with the following exceptions:

1. All games will be played in two halves:

  • 4th Grade Division 12 minutes

  • 5th Grade Division 14 minutes

  • 6th Grade Division 14 minutes

  • 7th Grade Division 16 minutes

  • 8th Grade Division 16 minutes

  • High School Divisions 16 minutes

2. Halftime shall be no longer than 3 minutes. A minimum three minute pre-game warm up will be given provided games are on schedule.  If we are ahead of schedule games may start before its scheduled time if agreed to by both coaches. Overtime period will be one minute.

3. A player will be disqualified after committing a 6th personal foul (technical fouls are included).

4. The one plus one team bonus foul shot will commence on the tenth (10th) team foul in each half. Two-shot fouls will be awarded for shooting, flagrant and technical fouls only.

5. Total of (3) time-outs per game will be allowed to each team. One (1) additional time-out per team will be awarded for each overtime period. Time-outs from regulation do not carry over to overtime periods.

6. Regulation sized basketballs will be used for boys 8th grade division through High School Division. All other divisions in boys and girls competition will use 28.5 basketball.

7. Two (2) Technical fouls during a game on any player, coach, or team representative will result in their disqualification for the rest of the game.

 8. The clock will be stopped on all free throws and also on all whistles during the last 2 min of 1st half and last 4 min of 2nd half.  Exception: If a team is trailing by 20 or more points in the second half the clock will become continuous the clock will stop for timeouts only.  These times may be changed at any time to make sure the event is running on schedule.

9. Each team is responsible for their warm-up and game balls and/or any other items brought to the game. The tournament sponsors or their representatives are not responsible for lost items.

10. This is an open roster tournament; a team may add a player at any time during the tournament as long as that individual normally plays for the club team and does not play for any other club in the event, and is placed on the roster prior to the start of a game. 

11. Each team per National Federation High school Rules shall provide a score Keeper or timer, the event in limited situations shall provide assistance in the form of individuals to keep score or run the clock, however, it remains the responsibility of each team to provide at least 1 person. 

12. Each team will get two Coaches Passes and one score keeper pass. 

13. Game time is forfeit time and no team will be allowed to play their first game until they have checked in at registration and all of their registration requirements including payment of any fees and submitting a roster have been completed. Only the event director can waive this provision

14. Facility will open 30 min prior to first game.  Please do not call facility for information.

15. The event Director shall have a facilities coordinator present to answer any questions, and the Event Coordinator reserves the right to change or modify any rules to ensure the proper and timely administration of the tournament.  Changes shall be disseminated to the coaches as soon as is appropriate.

Tie breaker for play-offs

1. Head to Head

2. Point differential…Maximum 15 points. (Forfeits are scored at 15-0) Point differential calculation is based solely on the games between the tied teams. In the event of a three-way tie for first, point differential will be used to establish the pool winner. The runner-up position will then be determined by head to head between the remaining two teams. In the event of a three way tie for the runner-up position, point differential will be used to establish the runner-up in the pool.

3. Defensive Point System- If 3 teams remain tied after the above tie breakers the team with the lowest total points allowed will advance. The remaining teams will revert back to tie breaker #1



Adults $6.00

Kids 12 & Under and Senior Citizens 65 & over $3.00 

Children 5 & Under Free


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